Hello friends,
I have made 10 issues of Schizo Fanzine and have decided to take a break for a while. But I will continue with my Swedish fanzine TRAGEDI. I will also soon continue with the work on the documentary I am writing about Swedish Punk.
You can follow Tragedi Fanzine on Facebook or at the Tragedi Fanzine blog
They are both in Swedish. If you want any reviews in Tragedi, please get in touch
A big thanks to everyone who've supported me and my work with Schizo Fanzine.
...this is not the end, it's just the beginning...
Schizo Fanzine Pages
Review: Psykbryt - Ursäkta röran, vi river allt
Psykbryt - Ursäkta röran - vi river allt (Spotify)
Fan vad skönt med ett band man inte behöver slänga in i någon speciell punkgenre, näe man kan bara nämna Psykbryt för vad dom är: PUNK. Ja rätt och slätt. Dom låter lite som Rancid, på den tiden Rancid var bra, dvs de två första skivorna. Det är ett jävla driv hela tiden. Innan jag hade hört dessa Stockholmare trodde jag att det skulle vara lite standardtrallpunk men istället fick jag en fet smocka rakt i ansiktet.
Jag tycker att dom prickar in texterna bra. Det är lite Gatans Lag över det hela med en hel del supa, slåss och leva livet aningen promiskuöst samtidigt är det ganska modigt i dessa Irlandwannabetider att skriva en låt om att inte gilla Guinness i låten Det smakar skit. Och Sunkhak som handlar om Söders vattenhål är klockren.
Jag tycker om sången, den är så där lagom desperat, jag vågar nästan säga att det finns något Anders Wendinskt i den, iallafall från Monstertiden.
Nä jag blev riktigt positivt överraskad av Psykbryt. Jag gillar öset som går som en röd tråd rakt igenom utan att bli enformigt.
Fan vad skönt med ett band man inte behöver slänga in i någon speciell punkgenre, näe man kan bara nämna Psykbryt för vad dom är: PUNK. Ja rätt och slätt. Dom låter lite som Rancid, på den tiden Rancid var bra, dvs de två första skivorna. Det är ett jävla driv hela tiden. Innan jag hade hört dessa Stockholmare trodde jag att det skulle vara lite standardtrallpunk men istället fick jag en fet smocka rakt i ansiktet.
Jag tycker att dom prickar in texterna bra. Det är lite Gatans Lag över det hela med en hel del supa, slåss och leva livet aningen promiskuöst samtidigt är det ganska modigt i dessa Irlandwannabetider att skriva en låt om att inte gilla Guinness i låten Det smakar skit. Och Sunkhak som handlar om Söders vattenhål är klockren.
Jag tycker om sången, den är så där lagom desperat, jag vågar nästan säga att det finns något Anders Wendinskt i den, iallafall från Monstertiden.
Nä jag blev riktigt positivt överraskad av Psykbryt. Jag gillar öset som går som en röd tråd rakt igenom utan att bli enformigt.
Interviews in Swedish: Nödvärn och Dims Rebellion
Jag har hittat två gamla intervjuer. Den ena med Nödvärn som jag gjorde 2007, och den andra med Dims Rebellion som jag kan tänka mig är gjord runt 2000, gammal är den iallafall.
Ni hittar dom här:
Ni hittar dom här:
7 inch for sale
A bit of
braindead – Totally wrecked (hardcore) 30 kr
Besk – What
went wrong? (punk/hc) 30 kr
C.U.M – C.U.M (käng) 40 kr
– War on wankers (punk) 30 kr
Disorganized – Meningslöst krig (hc/punk) 40 kr
Fornicators – Brat & Punk division (punk) 40 kr
FZÖ – Den felande länken 40 kr
Happy Farm
– On a mission for Batman 40 kr
H.A.T / Redleif Zombies (punk) 50 kr
Herman Huligan – s.t (punk) 50 kr
Kontrovers / Beoynd Description 50 kr
Krunch – Tjafs & Dalt 60 kr
M:Pati –
Råpunk 40 kr
NOFX – The
P.M.R.C can suck on this 80 kr
Regaining unconsciousness (grå vinyl) 90 kr
NOFX – 7 inch of the month club
#1 150 kr
NOFX – 7 inch of the month club #9
(blå vinyl) 100 kr
NOFX – 7 inch of the month club
#10 100 kr
Pöbel Möbel – Imagination (punk) 130 kr
Rancid –
Roots Radicals 130 kr
Slaktmask –
On the desperate edge of now 30 kr
Redlös – I wish I woz an animal 100 kr
Stockholms Negrer – Jag är en vit neger 100 kr
Voice of a
generation – Equality (Oi/Streetpunk) 50 kr
/ Audio Kollaps 50 kr
Wednesday Night Heroes / The Cleats (Oi/Streetpunk) 40 kr
V/A The
Kids Tribute to Warzone 50 kr
Underground Anthems (Decreto 77, Albert Fish, Red Union, Ultima Sacudida) 40 kr
V/A Oi!
It’s party time for the real working class kids Vol.3 50 kr.
’96, The Suspects, A.O.C, Riot Squad)
Butcher Knived "Gypsybilly"
To refresh, Butcher Knives have mastered a , "Wildly diverse Gyspybilly sound wrapped in an untethered punk aesthetic.” (CraveOnline) on their debut album Misery. With influences ranging from Mano Negra, The Clash, Johnny Cash, Gogol Bordello, and Bob Marley, to bluegrass, flamenco, traditional Eastern European music, rockabilly, and psychobilly, Butcher Knives mix multi-cultural sounds of traditional folk instruments with a high-octane punk rock intensity. Butcher Knives stand for the fringe cultures by which they were inspired on their latest single and title track.
Butcher Knives - Tell me why
Butcher Knives - Tell me why
Pestens Tid (Swedish)
Pestens Tid är poporkestern från Malmö som sedan sommaren 2012 har gjort musik tillsammans.
I mars 2013 släpptes debut EPn "När du vaknar" (pest 01) och den följs den 10 Maj 2014 upp av "Inte tänka, Inte höra" (pest 02). Albumet
ett samsläpp från egna etiketten Pesten fonogram tillsammans med Majken
records, inspelat i Studio Motion under 2013 av Tommy Tift (Vånna Inget,
Sekunden) och producerat av densamma och bandet. "Inte tänka, inte höra" släpps på 12" vinyl den 10 Maj och digitalt den 17e maj.
Pestens Tid - Inte tänka, inte höra
Pestens Tid - Inte tänka, inte höra
Dråp - Swedish crust
Dråp is a crust band from Sundsvall, Sweden. They've just released their debut album "En naturlig död". It's available as CD (EMF Records) and as an LP (own release). To get in touch with Dråp, check out their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DR%C3%85P/305747579538779
Dråp - Preparat
Schizo Fanzine Philippines and Syria Compilation
The Schizo Fanzine Philippines Compilation are released
You will find all 10 compilations right here:
And the Schizo Compilation here:
Schizo Fanzine Philippines Compilation playlist
Fanzine's compilation for the Philippines/Syria compilation forming part
of the over all project between Ungovernable Resistance DIY Radio,
Schizo Fanzine, Insetus Zine, & Two Beers Or Not Two Beers Records.
Ungovernable Resistance started this compilation during the late summer of 2013 aiming to raise awareness & support for refugees in Syria, and people suffering in the Philippines who lost everything in the earthquake.
This is a charity compilation to raise funds for victims of the Philippines earthquake & Syrian refugees so any donations are sent to the UK Doctors Without Borders Pay Pal email which is help@justgiving.net.
Or you can go to our Just Giving page below, which is also a direct link to the Doctors Without Borders donation page. Details below. Plz claim 'gift aid on all donations to increase the amount for free'. Thanks.
You can donate directly to Doctors Without Borders via this link www.justgiving.com/resistance-diy or our Bandcamp. If you cannot afford to donate then please help spread the word about this compilation.
Ungovernable Resistance started this compilation during the late summer of 2013 aiming to raise awareness & support for refugees in Syria, and people suffering in the Philippines who lost everything in the earthquake.
This is a charity compilation to raise funds for victims of the Philippines earthquake & Syrian refugees so any donations are sent to the UK Doctors Without Borders Pay Pal email which is help@justgiving.net.
Or you can go to our Just Giving page below, which is also a direct link to the Doctors Without Borders donation page. Details below. Plz claim 'gift aid on all donations to increase the amount for free'. Thanks.
You can donate directly to Doctors Without Borders via this link www.justgiving.com/resistance-diy or our Bandcamp. If you cannot afford to donate then please help spread the word about this compilation.
You will find all 10 compilations right here:
And the Schizo Compilation here:
Schizo Fanzine Philippines Compilation playlist
01. Körsbärsfettera - Det finns inget slut
02. Diskent - vägra anpassning
03. Eftah - Den enes lik
04. Återfall - Fråga inte
05. Spotlicks-Vill dra
06. No Fealty - Ravished
07. Pass Out - Fist of fury
09. Håll käften, vad vill du!- Reflektioner av ett annat land
10. Kamprespons - Punkelit
12. Opposition Rising - Get Off Your Ass
Better Not Born - Inner Void
14. Rännstensorkestern - Gulag
15. Kollapse - Father
16. Mörbultad - Den tid vi lever i
17. Kronsik Misantropi - Permanent Hybris
Schizo news (may)
I have problems with my computer, the screen of my laptop is broken. That's the reason why I haven't been active for a while. But I will try to post more often from now anyhow. Here is some Schizo News!
* Schizo #10 will soon be printed, I don't exactly know when at the moment, but it won't take to long time.
* Tragedi #2, my Swedish zine, will also soon be finished, I'm just waiting for one interview. I am really satisfied with the result so far.
* When it comes to my distro... I think I will put out all records for a big sale soon. And I won't run it anymore, maybe I will help some bands to sale their stuff. But Schizo Distro are almost dead. I will only focus on the fanzines and the blogs.
* As I wrote for a time ago will I only review physical records in Schizo Fanzine and in Tragedi Fanzine, but I will post reviews of digital digital on this blog.
So, if you want me to review anything, please get in touch, schizodistro@gmail.com and it's the same email if you want to contribute in Schizo Fanzine. I am always looking for scene reports and stuff like that.
Well, I hope everything is good out there. And as always, don't forget Ungovernable Resistance who deservs a shoutout... tune in to their webradio for lot's and lot's of punk http://ungovernableresistancediyradio.blogspot.se/
I have problems with my computer, the screen of my laptop is broken. That's the reason why I haven't been active for a while. But I will try to post more often from now anyhow. Here is some Schizo News!
* Schizo #10 will soon be printed, I don't exactly know when at the moment, but it won't take to long time.
* Tragedi #2, my Swedish zine, will also soon be finished, I'm just waiting for one interview. I am really satisfied with the result so far.
* When it comes to my distro... I think I will put out all records for a big sale soon. And I won't run it anymore, maybe I will help some bands to sale their stuff. But Schizo Distro are almost dead. I will only focus on the fanzines and the blogs.
* As I wrote for a time ago will I only review physical records in Schizo Fanzine and in Tragedi Fanzine, but I will post reviews of digital digital on this blog.
So, if you want me to review anything, please get in touch, schizodistro@gmail.com and it's the same email if you want to contribute in Schizo Fanzine. I am always looking for scene reports and stuff like that.
Well, I hope everything is good out there. And as always, don't forget Ungovernable Resistance who deservs a shoutout... tune in to their webradio for lot's and lot's of punk http://ungovernableresistancediyradio.blogspot.se/
Tragedi Blogg (In Swedish)
Nu har jag öppnat upp en blogg för Tragedi Fanzine. Den går att hitta här: http://tragedifanzine.blogspot.com och det kommer fyllas på där med prylar allt eftersom. Den kommer vara ungefär som Schizo Bloggen fast kanske inte lika omfattande. Men ta gärna en titt då och då. Den kommer bland annat uppdateras med intervjuer, bland annat en hel del som inte kommer att finnas i fanzinet. Så välkomna dit!
Schizo Fanzine in stock
Right now I have these in stock. 10 kr / £1 / 1€ / 1.5$ + shipping.
Distros, ask for wholesale. Info: schizodistro@gmail.com

Schizo Fanzine #2, 36 Pages
Interviews: Inepsy (Can), Saturdays Heroes (Swe),
Filthy Charity (Fra) Pints & Punx (US), Drunk Nach Osten (Cze),
Campus Sterminii / Giuda (Ita), Black Tartan Clan (Bel)
Theme: East Europe
Schizo Fanzine #6, 52 Pages
Interviews: Al-Thawra (US), Zudas Krust (Indo),
Kansalaistottelemattomuus (Fin), Jason Vomit (UK)
Power is Poison (NL) Cow Mag (Swe), Spotlicks (Swe)
Theme: Punk Illegal Festival: Asta Kask, EATER,
Benny, and Therese from The Punk Illegal Crew
+ Sangre & Burnt Cross
Schizo Fanzine #8, 56 Pages
Interviews: Partiya (Belarus), Toxik Ephex (Sco)
Inner Equilibrium (UK), Really Fast Records (Swe)
Subculture (UK), Sub Alert (Swe)
Also: Belarus Scene report, Goiana Scene report, Fanzines
Soundcheck, Against modern football
Schizo Fanzine #9. 48 Pages
Interviews: The Bristles (Swe), Moral Dilemma (UK), Slaktrens (Swe)
M.O.R.A (Fin), Återfall (Swe), Meinhof (UK), PPP Records (Swe)
Gary OG (Sco), Afa Ireland (Ire).
Also: Punk docs, Goiana Scene report, Gatans Musik,
Schizo #10 and Tragedi #2 will be out within 1-2 months. I am really satisfied with them both. Keep the fanzine scene alive. Support all fanzines. If you have something I can promote in next issue, just get in touch , send an email to schizodistro@gmail.com
Tragedi, fanzine på Svenska

Tragedi Fanzine (Svenska)
Ja, jag har tagit upp mitt gamla fanzine Tragedi. Det första numret kom ut runt 1997-1998. Men jag vill skriva på Svenska men fortfarande ha kvar Schizo Fanzine på Engelska. Därför kändes det här rätt. Givetvis kommer det inte bara vara Svenska band och dylikt i Tragedi, men språket blir på Svenska.
Vill man få sina prylar recenserade kommer recensionen att publiceras både i Tragedi, Schizo Fanzine och på bloggen. Så den kommer att täcka mycket. Precis som i Schizo Fanzine kommer Tragedi att täcka alla punkgenres.
Just nu jobbar jag med Tragedi Fanzine #2 som kommer att bli en splitt med Eskilstunafanzinet Dementia. Det var egentligen så jag bestämde mig för att köra igång med Svenska igen. Jag ville inte göra Schizo svenskt. Den största fokusen kommer också att ligga på Schizo, och jag kommer att jobba med Tragedi när jag känner för det. Det kanske dock ändå kommer att komma ut oftare med tanke på att jag skriver snabbare på Svenska och att det eventuellt blir färre sidor. Ovan ser du hur Tragedi #1 såg ut som kom ut runt 1997. Den här gången blir det inte handskrivet eller klippochklistra. Mer info kommer allt eftersom...
Tragedi #2 kommer att innehålla: Strindberg som tortyr samt ca. 3-4 band till.
Vill man på något sätt vara med i Tragedi #2, skicka ett mail till tragedifanzine@hotmail.com
Releasefest: Svintask (Swedish)
Den 28:e Februari finns det bara ett val att göra. Att bege sig till KGB-bar. Det är releasefest där för nya Svintask-skivan. På scen kommer ni att kunna njuta av Hyrda Knektar. Kanske spelar Svintask ett par låtar också. Sprid den här flyern.
Shiro , Japcore from Finland
I was gonna do a compilation tape back in 1997-98. But it was never released. I found a tape with Shiro, who was gonna participate on the tape. Here's the 6 tracks I got from them. If I remember it right is it members from the fantastic band Kirous who had this project. They wanted to play japcore, and sure they do. I really like this dirty and raw mangel. What do you think?
Burnt Cross / Anthrax split-7"
I have been asked to take a small part in the forthcoming split 7" release with two amazing bands. My favorites Burnt Cross and another amazing band, the classic anarcho band Anthrax from UK. It can't be better when it comes to this genre. Well, more info will come late, I am just so glad that I will be involved in this. It will be a bunch of labels as usual when it comes to Burnt Cross who release this.
Tradera: Kassetter - Svensk punk (trall och skate)
(In Swedish)
Ja, nu har jag lagt upp ett gäng med kassetter på Tradera. Det mesta är från 90-talet med mycket trallpunk och skatepunk. Lite rare och lite samlingar. Det går nog att hitta en hel del av intresse.
Ja, nu har jag lagt upp ett gäng med kassetter på Tradera. Det mesta är från 90-talet med mycket trallpunk och skatepunk. Lite rare och lite samlingar. Det går nog att hitta en hel del av intresse.
Sangus - Black crust/trash
This is Sangus from The USA and their demo Vengeful Brutality. They play dark crust/metal influence from bands like: Sarcofago, Impaled Nazarene, Nifelheim, Driller Killer,
Gauze, Kuro. Their demo "Vengeful Brutality" was released 2013. The band consists of members from:
Paindriver, Haxen, Sin of Angels, Nachzehrer & I, Destroyer)
Get in touch with the band:
Download link:
Get in touch with the band:
Download link:
Review: Agent Bulldogg
Agent Bulldogg - Vi är tillbaks... (7")
One of the best Swedish punkband are back. This 7" was released in spring 2013. And I must say that some songs of this 4 tracks EP belongs to their best ever. Just listen to the structure in the vers before the chrous in "Vi är tillbaks..." it's amazing, and then comes the chrous and blow your brain out. The Perssons Pack cover "Det liv jag älskar" really fits to Agent Bulldogg and everything Oi! stands for. This is a DIY-release and that will always give some extra bonus points in my book. There is one thing that bother me, but it might be some wrong with my record player, it sounds like it spins too fast which disturbs the sound, in particular the vocals. But I hope it's just my player who spin too fast. My favorite track on this 7" is "Den jag är", which is an amazing punk/Oi! song, it's only Agent Bulddogg who manage to do this.
One of the best Swedish punkband are back. This 7" was released in spring 2013. And I must say that some songs of this 4 tracks EP belongs to their best ever. Just listen to the structure in the vers before the chrous in "Vi är tillbaks..." it's amazing, and then comes the chrous and blow your brain out. The Perssons Pack cover "Det liv jag älskar" really fits to Agent Bulldogg and everything Oi! stands for. This is a DIY-release and that will always give some extra bonus points in my book. There is one thing that bother me, but it might be some wrong with my record player, it sounds like it spins too fast which disturbs the sound, in particular the vocals. But I hope it's just my player who spin too fast. My favorite track on this 7" is "Den jag är", which is an amazing punk/Oi! song, it's only Agent Bulddogg who manage to do this.
Reviews: Gråsuggorna
Gråsuggorna - Skyll inte på oss (CD)
This is my first proper acquaintance with Gråsuggorna from Rättvik. There is 9 tracks on this CD and it's all covers. A record filled with covers isn't always too fun. But that depends on which bands they want to cover. And to start with Abrasivev Wheels makes me interested. Exploited has never been a favorite band for me, so it's fun that Gråsuggorna make their song Class War, and in my ears is it better than the original, and I feel the same with Iggy and the classic song I wanna be your dog. Gråsuggorna make it better than the original. When it comes to GBH is it hard to match them. And both "Sick boy" and "Slit your own throat" are fantastic songs. Motorhead have some really good punksongs, like R.A.M.O.N.E.S, I think Gråsuggorna make it good, but Lemmys' voice are one of a kind. The last cover is by the Swedish band Perverts, and I guess you understand which song they do... yes that's right, Ronka. A classic song, but it's the cover they do worst. All in all is this a fun and interesting cover album.
This is my first proper acquaintance with Gråsuggorna from Rättvik. There is 9 tracks on this CD and it's all covers. A record filled with covers isn't always too fun. But that depends on which bands they want to cover. And to start with Abrasivev Wheels makes me interested. Exploited has never been a favorite band for me, so it's fun that Gråsuggorna make their song Class War, and in my ears is it better than the original, and I feel the same with Iggy and the classic song I wanna be your dog. Gråsuggorna make it better than the original. When it comes to GBH is it hard to match them. And both "Sick boy" and "Slit your own throat" are fantastic songs. Motorhead have some really good punksongs, like R.A.M.O.N.E.S, I think Gråsuggorna make it good, but Lemmys' voice are one of a kind. The last cover is by the Swedish band Perverts, and I guess you understand which song they do... yes that's right, Ronka. A classic song, but it's the cover they do worst. All in all is this a fun and interesting cover album.
Review: The Ødeleggers
The Ødeleggers - Kjemisk Avfall (7")
(Lukket Avdelning)
The Ødeleggers from Norway sounds like they hate everything in this society. The Norwegian language are pretty famous to sound like they're always happy. So it's fun with The Ødeleggers, because they redesign to language, all of a sudden is Norwegian more like Danish...angry and brutal. I like this release, because it's pure punk, sure it's a bit angry, but still just punk. I wish that more bands in this "pure punk-genre" could release 7"s, most of the bands nowadays are bands playing crust or hardcore, nothing wrong with that, but The Ødeleggers stand out in this case, they almost send me back to the 90's. 6 songs in 10 minutes and my favorites are: "Kjemisk Avfall" and "Bara en till". If I should find something to complain about would it be the vocals, it gets a little samey all the time.
(Lukket Avdelning)
The Ødeleggers from Norway sounds like they hate everything in this society. The Norwegian language are pretty famous to sound like they're always happy. So it's fun with The Ødeleggers, because they redesign to language, all of a sudden is Norwegian more like Danish...angry and brutal. I like this release, because it's pure punk, sure it's a bit angry, but still just punk. I wish that more bands in this "pure punk-genre" could release 7"s, most of the bands nowadays are bands playing crust or hardcore, nothing wrong with that, but The Ødeleggers stand out in this case, they almost send me back to the 90's. 6 songs in 10 minutes and my favorites are: "Kjemisk Avfall" and "Bara en till". If I should find something to complain about would it be the vocals, it gets a little samey all the time.
Review: Irish Moutarde

The Paddypunk scene just grows and grows, and I can understand when people say that if you've heard one band in this genre you've heard them all. However, I am very picky when it comes to this genre and my passion for Irish music is big. Many of the bands are actually very boring, and many are the fantastic Irish songs who've been totally destroyed. The prominent Paddyrock.com listed this album at the 19th place of the best Paddypunk album 2013. So our thoughts about Irish Moutard differs big time. I would place them at Top-5. Irish Moutarde comes from Canada, and it's the first Canadian band in this genre I've heard. The 6 members play their instruments very good, I don't use to like when punk is too well played, but this band really know how to play their instruments. All in all is it around 20 different instruments. And well, it's not pure punk, they also mix some different kind of hardrock most thru the guitar harmonies and the drum beats. They also mix male/female vocals. I think that Irish Moutarde are almost complete. 12 tracks which never get boring. Favorite tracks: The Black Mill, The Cabin and The Bear and the Maiden fair. If you are in to Celtic rock, give Irish Moutarde a try.
Schizo 10 Compilation
I will celebrate Schizo Fanzine #10 with a compilation. It will be bands who've been interviewed in Schizo Fanzine 1-10. And it will be a fantastic compilation with a good mix of genres.It will be a total of 20 bands/tracks. Follow the work here: http://schizofanzine.blogspot.se/p/schizo.html
Here is the first 8 announced bands: Black Tartan Clan, Glidslem, Dead Subverts, Spotlicks, Stage Bottles, Partiya, Toxik Ephex, Gary OG. 12 more bands will be apply within the next 2 weeks.
This record will be released as a DIY CD'r version and a digital version as well. This record will go out to everyone who order Schizo Fanzine #10. Isn't that a good bonus? =)
Here is the first 8 announced bands: Black Tartan Clan, Glidslem, Dead Subverts, Spotlicks, Stage Bottles, Partiya, Toxik Ephex, Gary OG. 12 more bands will be apply within the next 2 weeks.
This record will be released as a DIY CD'r version and a digital version as well. This record will go out to everyone who order Schizo Fanzine #10. Isn't that a good bonus? =)
Review: Sörlings Svinstia (2xLP)

Is it even possible for a new released album to be on of the most important album for Swedish punk through the years? Yes it is! This double LP is like a documentation of the Swedish punk in the 90's. Mikael Sörling wrote demo reviews in his column "Sörlings Svinstia" in the big rock magazine Close-up. The 44 tracks on this compilation belongs to the best from his reviews. I will not review each and every band, but I will write about a bunch of them.
The opening band is Svintask with their song "Rage against new age", a song that sounds like the lovely Blitz song "Razors in the night", and that's a good reason to like Svintask. One of the best track all over this compilation must be Nervös Reaktion and their song "Discotönt", it's some kind of KBD-punk, it sounds so much like the first wave of punk. Victims is one the best bands in the hardcore genre and I like that their song "This fear" are so distinct.
Pass Out is my old band, and I feel honored to be on this fantastic compilation. Wildcat Strike are probably the only real streetpunk band, and I love their "Save the whiskey for the boot boys". Chaotic Disorder kängpunk are a bit mixed up with grind/one beat, and the song "Krossa staten" is short and soaked of the lovely 90's. Yes, it's fun that Heffa Klump participate on this compilation, if you didn't know is Heffa Klump the band we call Randy today. It's cool to hear them with Swedish lyrics. Total Assbreakers also have that classic 90's kängsound (not so strange since all the bands hails from the 90's) and I really like their song "Snutas".
Well, there is one more streetpunk band than Wildcat Strike, and that is The Mockingbirds, and "No one is innocent" is a good song to have in the background while you're drinking beer. Kontrovers is probably the best hardcore/crust band, really heavy and brutal. Moralens Väktare would probably give their left hand if they could be Räserbajs for one day but they are far from that class, but this is a typical song for the Swedish 90's punk, a genre we call Trallpunk. Absolute Bastards is the last band that make impression on me, really good crust/grind. GOOD WORK Sörling!
Review: Kronisk misantropi

Kronisk Misantropi is a new Swedish d-beat band. This 7" contains 4 tracks and I like it a lot. It's very noisy and it feels like we're back in the 90s. Just classic käng without any unnecessary stuff. The distorted vocals fits perfectly to the raw hardcore. This 7" is the first release of Opposition Records who runs by one of the member - Joel, the other part of the band is Andreas who plays guitar in Passiv Dödshjälp. Kronisk Misantropi hit it straight on, this is the kind of käng/crust that I like most. It feels like a mix of Disclose and State of fear. Who needs innovatory shit when it's works perfect with käng like this? And who needs a fancy studio when music can sounds like this? I will recommend Kronisk Misantropi for everyone I know listen to kängpunk. And an interview in the future doesn't seems to be impossible.
Review: Lexington Field
Lexington Field - No man's war (CD)
This american band already have their fans in USA. But they will probably get some new fans now when Heptown Records release their album "No man's war" in Europe. But will I be one of their new fans? Well, I like folk music and punk, but I don't always like folk punk. There is a big part of this band who irritate me and that is the vocals. I don't like this american accent in folk punk and that makes it hard for me to listen to this album and thats very pity because they have some other things that is really good. The melancholic sound for an example, and the fiddle is another good thing and the main thing for this Lexington Field. I wish that the banjo could be more prominent. Lexington Field have all the raw material to make it good, but I don't think they take advantage of that. They say that they mix rock, punk, country, bluegrass, americana and folk music. But in my ears is it just a bit boring punk with a fiddle, with vocals that more sounds like Blink 182. So, the answer is... no I am not a new fan of Lexington Field.
This american band already have their fans in USA. But they will probably get some new fans now when Heptown Records release their album "No man's war" in Europe. But will I be one of their new fans? Well, I like folk music and punk, but I don't always like folk punk. There is a big part of this band who irritate me and that is the vocals. I don't like this american accent in folk punk and that makes it hard for me to listen to this album and thats very pity because they have some other things that is really good. The melancholic sound for an example, and the fiddle is another good thing and the main thing for this Lexington Field. I wish that the banjo could be more prominent. Lexington Field have all the raw material to make it good, but I don't think they take advantage of that. They say that they mix rock, punk, country, bluegrass, americana and folk music. But in my ears is it just a bit boring punk with a fiddle, with vocals that more sounds like Blink 182. So, the answer is... no I am not a new fan of Lexington Field.
Tapes for sale
Here's 3 tapes I sell on Tradera (Swedish Ebay).
Swedish political hardcore from the 90's.
Downward Spiral - Prey of ignorance
Fantastic käng/crust from Sweden. Recorded around 1996
Fudge Wax - Teen toffee
Another Swedish band from the 90's who mix ska/skate/pop/punk
Swedish political hardcore from the 90's.
Downward Spiral - Prey of ignorance
Fantastic käng/crust from Sweden. Recorded around 1996
Fudge Wax - Teen toffee
Another Swedish band from the 90's who mix ska/skate/pop/punk
Info: Schizo Fanzine 10
The work with Schizo Fanzine 10 runs at full speed. My plan is to get it finished before the beginning of March. 3 of the 6 interviews are completed and it will be a good mix of bands. I will keep the bands secret for a while. But it will be bands from 4 different countries, some classic and some new. All reviews is the part that take most of the time right now. I have pretty much to review but I can't complain. It's always fun to discover new bands from all over the world.
There will also be a report of the Swedish punk scene thru the years (not the big report I am working with beside the fanzine). My Celtic tribute chapter "Hail Hail - What the hell do we care" will be back in #10. But I don't know right now what I will write about this time. Asides from the 6 interviews will it also be a couple of small interviews/info about some of the bands that participate on the compilation Schizo Punk Compilation, an album you'll find at Spotify.
I have changed the logotype for this issue and will probably use this version for a while now. If you have any suggestions, tips or criticism about Schizo Fanzine, please get in touch: schizodistro@gmail.com . If you have a distro or wanna buy more than 6 copys of each issue, please ask for wholesale.
Available as paper versions:
Schizo Fanzine #2, 36 pages [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
(East europe theme)
Interviews: Inepsy, Saturdays heros, Filthy Charity, Pints & Punx,
Drunk Nach Osten, Campus Sterminii/Giuda, Black tartan clan
Schizo Fanzine #6, 52 pages [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
(Punk Illegal 2010 theme)
Al-Thawra, Zudas Krust, Kansalaistottelemattomuus,
Spotlicks, Jason Vomit, Power is poison, Cow Mag
Schizo Fanzine #8. 56 Pages. [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
Toxik Ephex, Inner Equilibrium / Ungovernable Resistance,
Pariya, Really Fast Rec. Subculture, Sub Alert
Schizo Fanzine #9. 48 Pages. [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
The Bristles, Moral Dilemma, Slaktrens, M.O.R.A, Återfall,
Meinhof, PPP Records, Gary OG, AFA Ireland
There will also be a report of the Swedish punk scene thru the years (not the big report I am working with beside the fanzine). My Celtic tribute chapter "Hail Hail - What the hell do we care" will be back in #10. But I don't know right now what I will write about this time. Asides from the 6 interviews will it also be a couple of small interviews/info about some of the bands that participate on the compilation Schizo Punk Compilation, an album you'll find at Spotify.
I have changed the logotype for this issue and will probably use this version for a while now. If you have any suggestions, tips or criticism about Schizo Fanzine, please get in touch: schizodistro@gmail.com . If you have a distro or wanna buy more than 6 copys of each issue, please ask for wholesale.
Available as paper versions:
Schizo Fanzine #2, 36 pages [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
(East europe theme)
Interviews: Inepsy, Saturdays heros, Filthy Charity, Pints & Punx,
Drunk Nach Osten, Campus Sterminii/Giuda, Black tartan clan
Schizo Fanzine #6, 52 pages [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
(Punk Illegal 2010 theme)
Al-Thawra, Zudas Krust, Kansalaistottelemattomuus,
Spotlicks, Jason Vomit, Power is poison, Cow Mag
Schizo Fanzine #8. 56 Pages. [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
Toxik Ephex, Inner Equilibrium / Ungovernable Resistance,
Pariya, Really Fast Rec. Subculture, Sub Alert
Schizo Fanzine #9. 48 Pages. [ 10kr / €1 / £1 / 1.5$ ]
The Bristles, Moral Dilemma, Slaktrens, M.O.R.A, Återfall,
Meinhof, PPP Records, Gary OG, AFA Ireland
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