
My 30 favorite punk bands. Part 1 of 2

Have you ever tried to write down your favorite bands? And even more difficult is it to place them in a particular rank order. I have done it through various scoring systems. From the beginning was more than 50 bands nominated, then I cut them down to just 30. They got points according to these criterion: A) Their meaning for me. B) How pogo compatible they are. C) Music & Vocals. D) Lyrics. E) Other good qualities. F) Bad qualities -which renders minus points. Well, this is what I came up to, here is 30-20

30. Sex Pistols
Everyone has opinions of this band and it was a hell of a circus around them. But you must not forget that they’ve done a whole bunch of good songs.

29. Blitz
Blitz is one of the best UK Oi! bands. It’s a shame that they didn’t recieved more points. They have done many hit songs with New Age as my personal favorite. 

28. Disfear
Disfear is a living proof of how good swedish crust really is. They are just brilliant and has always been classic. Who remember Anti-Bofors?

27. Antipati
It’s punk my friends, and it’s just in thise genre something simple can became something extraordinary. This is the modern Agent Bulldogg for better or worse...

26. Sham 69
Well, Sham 69 isn’t much to enjoy without Jimmy Pursey but they have written some timeless hits. If the kids are united is like an anthem.

25. Moral Dilemma
To discover new bands are almost like an orgasm and Moral Dilemma who deliver fantastic punk/hc is one of my recent discoveries. I love them.

24. Meanwhile
Dischange became Meanwhile, still very Discharge influenced, but they really know how to write their D-beat. Better than the average band in this genre.

23. Assück
Assück was my first acquaintance with grindcore. They even influenced one of my bands - Diskent. I think they are outstanding when it comes to grind.

22. The Bristles (Sweden)

This swedish band have been active in 3 different periods. And they going through their best period now. An excellent live band as well.

21. Spotlicks
It's all the bass lines who give Spotlicks a lot of extra points, it’s pure joy to listen. I just wish a bit more from the guitars. Female vocals, I love it as always.

20. Dead Kennedys
I have always been in love with Dead Kennedys. One of the most classic bands in the entire punk history. They will always be immortalized.

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